Portals to Multidimensionality
By Barbara K. Rector, MA, CEFIP-ED
Start following Barbara's journey how horses have helped open the
multidimensionality portals, available to everyone and are available
to all of us. This book with the first of a series.
Available at:

Learning with the Help of Horses
By Barbara K. Rector, MA, CEFIP-ED
The Handbook of Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning through the
lens of Adventures In Awareness offers the theory, principles and
practice of equine inner-active exercises for wellness work with
Outlined in detail is AIA's 5 DAY Equine Facilitated Experiential
Learning Curriculum, an enrichment and prevention program for at risk
youth, and those with severe emotional and behavioral disturbances; it
features the AIA™ process.
AIA promotes working with horses as
a reflective and reflection experience, mirroring personal and
interpersonal relationships. The specially designed interactive and
inner-active exercises develop communication (including interspecies)
skills, promote team building, promote self developed insights and
contribute to the ability to be responsible for self. The basic AIA
principle is that awake aware responsible individuals living the
Adventures In Awareness responsibility agreement make healthy behavior
Available at:
Author House
Through The Perceptual Lense of Barbara Rector
To purchase, Send $25 check (cost $20) plus tax, postage & handling
made out to : AIA
%Barbara K. Rector, 9852 E. Skyview Drive, Tucson, AZ 85748 USA
$1 of each sale goes to Therapeutic Riding of Tucson