The qualified ADVENTURES IN AWARENESS (AIA) horse, suitable for a
trial period (90 days) in AIA equine facilitated experiential learning
process work is kind, comfortable with groups of people surrounding
him/her, is bright of mind, and full of energy, with 3 quality gaits.
Such a horse accepts a full developmental vaulting team of trained
horse handler, 2 side walkers, and mounted gymnastics.
Ideally the horse's back is well muscled, strengthened through regular
schooling of basic dressage figures at walk, trot, canter by an
educated rider. Sensible and willing on the trail, alone or in
company, the suitable candidate has mastered thinking for self while
joining with human in a mutually beneficial relationship. The AIA
horse is comfortable working on the longe in side reins with or
without a mounted rider.
Said horse is not shut down or turned off by work. She/he has a
strong sense of self and handles life in a herd of both mares and
geldings. The really exceptional horse enjoys the round ring
reasoning exercises and is open to developing bridle less riding
skills. It is helpful for the horse to be OK with either English or
Western tack, especially the pad, surcingle, and side reins.
Generally, snaffle bits are used.
Basic good health is required. AIA Barn Manager works with owner on
individual eating plans and necessary supplements. It is understood
that most horses have unique conformation characteristics that may
result in "serviceable soundness" situations.
AIA utilizes the services of a skilled veterinarian, in collaboration
with professional acupuncture practitioner, chiropractor, equine
dental specialist, equine masseuse, Energy worker, and
acuscope/myopulse. The AIA farrier is a treasure, trained
in orthopedic techniques utilizing the hot forge (hot or cold
shoeing), who works in close collaboration with the AIA herd vet.
Expectations, Procedures and Process
The position of Equine Safety Support Advocate is available to those
Adventures In Awareness (AIA) students with a high degree of classical
horse skills in traditional longeing, ground manners work, and
balanced seat riding. This individual has practical common sense with
a strong equine physiology skill base.
Ideally the Adventures In Awareness Equine Safety Support Advocate has
a BA or BS degree in related field of psychosocial human dynamics with
emphasis in the significance and influence of Culture. It is
particularly beneficial for said individual to have a multi-cultural
language background, direct experience of Diversity, and conscious
recovery and rehabilitation skills contributing to health and
Adventures In Awareness Internship Programs (AIA IP) and professional
training workshops are linked through the University of Arizona School
of Education, Educational Psychology Department (Tucson, AZ) and
Prescott College Master in Mental health Counseling (Prescott, AZ).
AIA works with horses and the language of metaphor found in a
traditional training and schooling barn to teach people life skills of
communication, group process, self awareness and self knowledge.
The AIA Equine Safety Support Advocate works with AIA faculty (human
and equine) to teach equine facilitated experiential learning process
work learning practice of equine facilitated
program (EFP) and educators learning teaching of equine
facilitated experiential learning.
During the AIA IP 14 day curriculum cycle, scheduled two to three
times a year at different locations through out the United States and
Europe, the AIA Equine Safety Support Advocate works full 10 hour days
and evenings. See the AIA calendar
for details. Work as an Equine Safety Support Advocate qualifies
for certificate hours and pays a stipend in addition to workshop
tuition fees. Travel expenses, meals and lodgings are not paid.
March 1977 – November 2009
Rama, one of the beloved equine staff members at Adventures in
Awareness, was laid to rest on November 15, 2009. Barbara shares her
thoughts on her soul mate, teacher and friend. Click here to read more about Rama's life.